Monday, February 25, 2013

Working Document on decesion-making process regarding medical treatment in end-of-life situations

Committee on Bioethics of the CoE launched public consultation on the Working Document on decesion-making process regarding medical treatment in end-of-life situations "to elicit comments, in particular from the sectors directly concerned (such as patients, physicians, other carers, families, bodies which/persons who may be involved in the decision-making-process regarding medical treatment in end of life)".

The scope of the Working Document focuses on end-of-life decision such as refusal or withdrawal of medical treament with due regard to previously expressed wishes. Euthanasia and assisted suicide is expressly excluded.

The Working Document consists of three main parts. The first deals with the ethical and legal frames related to the decision-maing process, namely the principles of autonomy, beneficence and non-maleficence and justice (under the name of equitable access to helath care as incorporated into Article 3 of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine).

The second part identifies the parties involved in the decision-maikng process and highlights some of their role regarding the process. These parties are renging from the patient him/herself with the disctiction of being competent or not, through legal representatives, power of attorneys, surrogates and family members to the carers (doctor and the medical team).

Finally, the Working Document draws up the framework of the decision-making process regarding end-of-life situations and analyses the prossible roles of the parties involved and some technical and procedural aspects.

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